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The village of Ban Khoang, Sapa, Lao Cai province. - Ly May welcomed me into her home on a rainy afternoon to meet her daughter, Twenty six year old Tansu May. My guide had arranged with them to allow me to witness and photograph her wedding attire. The clothing was carefully removed from an array of different coloured plastic bags, and they were stored inside a large bamboo basket. I asked if I could borrow one of their plastic chairs and convinced my guide that the only way I would have enough light was to place the ladies under the protection of the overhanging roof. The chair was placed in the open courtyard while an umbrella was held over me. The rain continued for the entire time and the location and lighting were the best that I could achieve. There was a lot of laughter from the ladies at my difficult and unpleasant situation.The Red Dao wedding dress is seen as the summit of success in a women’s sewing accomplishments. Mother and daughter are known spend up to a year making nothing else but a brand new ceremonial outfit in preparation for the big day.
Tansu MayLy MayGongWooden Head-pieceArranged MarriagesRed Dao BrideWooden FrameRegulationsPrepared CarefullyWedding CeremonyWhole CommunityTraditional CostumeLaughterTraditionHide Her FaceLa Peng